Periodontal Disease is an inflammation of the gums that leads to the loss of the supporting bone and eventually the teeth. It is caused by left-over food debris called plaque, which is a sticky film that attaches bacteria to the roots of the teeth. Left untreated, the effects of the bacteria can cause a chronic infection around the roots of the teeth, causing bleeding gums and loosening the teeth. According to Harvard Health, people with gum disease have two to three times the risk of having a heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, or other serious cardiovascular events. In its early stages, it can be reversed by professional cleanings and good oral hygiene.
The American Dental Association (ADA) reviewed various studies and found a connection between poor oral health and worsening open-angle glaucoma. When high levels of periodontal bacteria were present, the risk of getting glaucoma rose by 86%. While the specific cause is not certain, scientists speculate that bacteria at the site of tooth loss causes inflammation that triggers microbes and cytokines that affect the eyes. This is a compelling argument for timely examinations, cleanings, and diligent home care.